Contract Address: 6Ass4oZErhwdKJwnaxf6vSh78i3TnrNTrb1wrejbpump

Contract Address:


Contract Address: 6Ass4oZErhwdKJwnaxf6vSh78i3TnrNTrb1wrejbpump

Nene confesses to Chad

Nene confesses to Chad

Nene confesses to Chad

“I’ve always liked you, Chad. You’re so different from other guys.”

They left me, FA saved me

They left me, FA saved me

They left me, FA saved me

She left. My friends left. Even my dog looks at me differently. But FA? Never

She left me for Chad, I left her for FA

She left me for Chad, I left her for FA

She left me for Chad, I left her for FA

Nene: Sorry, I see you as a friend
Fefe: It’s fine, I just bought FA

Love is fake, but gains are real

Love is fake, but gains are real

Love is fake, but gains are real

She said “forever.” The market said “correction.” Only one was real. FA never lies.

Rejected? Join the FA Army

Rejected? Join the FA Army

Rejected? Join the FA Army

Ghosted? Left on read? Don’t worry, FA is always here. No emotions, just numbers going up.

© Forever Alone 2025